I just indulged in a physics game that I found on http://www.physicsgames.net/
Seeing as this was a flash game I don't want to be overcritical of the graphics and audio. The graphics were not in a very aesthetic fashion, but the music was decent. Anyways...
The main premise of the game is to control a rocket and try to murder the townspeople littering different structures. There are unlockable rockets, though most are generally just better than the previous so it's more of a strange level up system. The actual gameplay was very nice, though. Seeing as while there was the conventional blow up the rocket next to the person method, you could also cause projectile deaths, nudge people off cliffs, or crush them with debris. A lot of this requiring very complex maneuvering to get the flashiest kill.
I found it worthy of my 10 minutes.
Its pretty fun at least!